Requirements for electrical Certificate of Compliance (COC)

2022/09/01 11:23:34
Author: COC Express (Pty) Ltd

Requirements for electrical Certificate of Compliance (COC)


Electrical Installation Regulations (2020)

  • Every user or lessor as the case may be shall have a valid Certificate of Compliance for the electrical installation he or she uses or leases
  • The Certificate of Compliance shall be in the format of Annexure 1 and shall be accompanied by a test report in the format approved by the Chief Inspector
  • Only a Registered Person shall issue a Certificate of Compliance after he/she has inspected and tested the electrical installation
  • If at any time prior to the issuing of a certificate of compliance any fault or defect is detected in any part of the electrical installation, the registered person shall refuse to issue such certificate until that fault or defect has been rectified
  • Any person who undertakes to do electrical installation work shall ensure that a valid certificate of compliance is issued for that work
  • No person shall connect or permit the connection of any completed or partially completed electrical installation to the electricity supply unless it has been inspected and tested by a registered person and a certificate of compliance for that electrical installation has been issued
  • Where any addition or alteration has been effected to an electrical installation for which a certificate of compliance was previously issued, the user or lessor of such electrical installation shall obtain a certificate of compliance for at least the addition or alteration
  • Subject to the provisions of section 10(4) of the Act, the user or lessor may not allow a change of ownership if the certificate of compliance is older than two years